​​About the Artist
My name is Amy. I am a believer, wife, mother of three, daughter, sister and friend. I like to laugh and I LOVE coffee!
I am the owner, photographer, jewelry designer and creator here at BaileyBrand.org. I started working as a professional photographer in the summer of 2011. Although I have been taking photos my whole life. It's inherited! My mom has always been an awesome {hobby} photographer and my paternal Grandfather was an amazing photojournalist in Baton Rouge.
I opened my first jewelry shop online in the Fall of 2009.
I am a self taught artist thus developing my own unique style, technique and design. I'm always ready to try something new! I will always be a work in progress. I think it's important to continually grow and learn something new everyday!
Thanks for visiting and I hope to work with you soon!
~Amy Bailey